Monday 2 September 2013

Design your very own Cupcakes Pincushion out of Bottle caps!

Don't throw away your mineral bottles after finished drinking them! Keep the bottle caps for this fun mini project~!

It's a project I stumbled upon while surfing the net.

Aren't they just adorable? Its actually not that difficult making them as well. Its a simple, fast and cute mini project. You can come up with your own ideas to decorate them.
For my very first attempt, I tried out a simple cupcake design. I'm not very sure though whether it resembles a cupcake...hmm..Does it? XD

After successfully making the first cupcake pincushion, I decided to try out another design. A cupcake topped with a heart 

Here is a simple tutorial link to make the bottle cap pincushion. 

Do try out different styles and have fun making them! :)

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