Tuesday 3 September 2013

Apple Pie Recipe using Thermomix


Have you heard of Thermomix? Well, if you haven't, its a pretty amazing device. It can weigh, cook, chop, crush, emulsify, whip, mix, steam, blend, knead, grind, simmer, grate and mill. All in one. Pretty cool huh? 

Want a lemonade? Get it done within seconds! Yeah, you did not hear that wrong. Seconds!! To find out more, go to this link: 
                               http://www.ukthermomix.com/ .

These are the basic items that comes with it when you purchase this machine.

Enough of that, let's carry on to making yummy Apple Pie~!! A recipe that will make your mouth water. On top of that, it becomes so easy to make using the Thermomix! 

Rich Short Crust Pastry
160grams of softened Butter ( around half a butter)
110 grams of Raw Sugar
310 grams of Plain or Spelt Flour
2 Egg yolks
3 Tbsp Iced Water
1 tsp Vanilla Extract

1) Preheat the oven to 180˚C. 
2) Place the sugar in Thermomix bowl for 40 seconds on speed 9.

3) Add butter,vanilla extract and eggs. Select the time to 3 minutes on speed 4.  Upon completion, scrape down the sides of bowl.
4) Add in flour and water. Mix for 2 seconds on speed 7.
5) Knead for 1 minute on wheat symbol (until the dough is formed). Turn to the close cover icon. 
6) Wrap the dough in shrink wrap and place in the fridge for 20 minutes.

Note: Refer to the illustration for better understanding. 

5 medium sized thinly sliced, peeled apples
1/2 cup of sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp ground nutmeg


Mix all the ingredients together and cook till soft in a pot.

Final Method
1) After the dough is ready, roll the dough to a size that fits your pan. Make sure there is enough to cover the sides of the pan.
2) Spread out the apple pie filling. Make sure it does not overflow.
3) Cover the filling with more of the pastry. Use your creativity to design the top part of the pie. 
4) Bake the pie around 40 to 45 minutes or until the crust is golden-brown. Cool the pie on a rack before serving.  

Here are some ideas to inspire you~!

Happy baking~!

Ps: I found the recipe online and slightly modified the measurements. 

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