Sunday 1 June 2014

Life is a Beautiful Thing

The significance of the cherry blossom tree in Japanese culture goes back hundreds of years. In their country, the cherry blossom represents the fragility and the beauty of life. It's a reminder that life is almost overwhelmingly beautiful but that it is also tragically short. ~ Homaru Cantu

Just decided to make a post with my favorite flower of all time. It's funny how I've liked them so much even before I've seen them with my very own eyes. It's really beautiful but at the same time, fragile. It falls easily even in the slightest wind and their petals drop easily and yet when it is at it's full bloom, it's one of the most beautiful thing in the world. Well, at least to me that is.

For me, it also signifies another meaning whereby our life is as though a season of spring. Our time on earth is limited but while we are still here, we should live the very best and make it meaningful. Life is beautiful and precious. Don't waste your time being unhappy or being caught up with things that don't really matter. Make the best out of every moment.

Here are my few takes on living:
  1. Do not live a life filled with regret. If you know that the decision you will be making will cause you to regret it later on, don't do it. 
  2.  Don't keep telling yourself that there will always be a tomorrow to do it. There is no better time than now. Live each day as though it was your last. 
  3. Always tell your loved ones how much you treasure and love them. You  never know how much it means to them to hear it from you. Don't wait till it's too late to shower them with your care and love. 
  4. Always make time for your family. They have always been there for you for as long as you can remember. 
  5. Do what makes you happy. Time and tide waits for no one. Don't spend your entire life doing something that makes you unhappy. 
  6. If you are in a fight or angry with someone, do not let it last till the next day. Don't hold grudges. Forgive and forget. Everybody makes mistakes. Nobody is perfect in this world.
  7. Spend a few moments away from your busy life. Take in your surroundings and bask in the moment.
  8. Sing till your hearts content. Life is not meant to be bounded but to be lived freely.
  9. Don't waste your time living someone else's life. This is your life. Grab it and make the best out of it. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. 
  10. Just know that when all else seems as though it's falling apart, there is always that tiny hope you can cling onto. You are still alive and that's all that matters. 
  11. Always be grateful for what you have. Many do not have the privilege to enjoy even the very basic needs. If you have a full stomach and a place to call home, consider yourself blessed. The others are already an added bonus. 
  12. Your past stays as the past. Live in the present and look forward to the future. Cherish your memories but do not dwell in the past. 
  13. Failure is not the end of everything. It's a stepping stone towards success. 
  14. When it seems as though you have no strength to carry on, it's okay to lean on God. He empowers us in amazing ways. 

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