Sunday 4 May 2014

Signs That Says You Have Friends You’ll keep For the Rest of Your Life

Life wouldn't be meaningful without having people to share it with you. Many come in and out of our lives as we continue to move forward and grow. Few of those leaving footprints in our hearts and there are new ones who just seem to fill our lives by making it more whole. These very people are whom we call friends. If you are blessed, you'll have at least a good one who will stick around you for a really long time. Here are some of the signs you can tell if  they are the ones who'll stay in your life and they are real keepers!

Featuring my doggy as the model! 

You do everything together.
You practically spend every moment together. Sitting together during every class, having fun between the breaks, playing a small prank on one another when you have the chance. Even your taste buds are almost the same. They are your official shopping buddy.

They'll be the first person you would come to when you have something exciting to share about. 
Any breaking news?? They'll be the first one to hear about it. 

You don't find the need to fill every moment with useless chatters. 
Being in the moment and enjoying it together. They're really comfortable, just like your second skin. There's no need to crack your head to look for interesting topics to talk about. Stuff like that just comes in naturally. Even silence is comforting when you are with them. Their presence alone is enough to fill up the void. 

People think that you come together as a package. 
When you are walking alone along the hallway and happen to come across an acquaintance. The most common question would be, where is that friend of yours? People seem to think that you guys are a package since you are seldom seen without one another. 

You know that they will always be there for you when you are going through a rough ride. 
 Even when you feel as though, the whole world had walked out on you, you can always count on them. They will always be there to lend an ear and a shoulder to cry on when you are going through a difficult phase. Being around them somehow makes you forget that you are having a hard time.

You are totally yourself when you hang out with them.
The mask you put on with others, you take it off when you are with them. Its effortless when you hang out with them. You are just you and they, them. You just say what's on your mind when you are with them without bothering to think twice before saying it. You even do the silliest stuff when you are with them or go back being a kid and enjoying some childish moments. They accept you and absolutely love you for who you are.

Even when you are supposed to be serious, you can’t.
You just can't help being serious around them. You crack silly jokes among one another or find humor even in the slightest things. Just by hanging out with them, you know that you are going to have a fun time. You'll even end up in moments of fits of laughter, where you laugh your hearts out till tears fill your eyes or until your stomach hurts.  

You always ask for their opinion before making choices, from small to big decisions.
They are like your other half. They know your taste better than you do especially when you are in a dilemma and most importantly, they aren’t afraid of telling you the truth. And sometimes, that's all you need to hear. 

You always keep a lookout for one another. 
You take care of each other's back. They are like the older siblings you never had. 

You have already discussed about your futures. 
You have discussed with them about life after college. From working life to weddings. You have even planned out what to do for one another's wedding and become one another's maid of honor. Plus, you are going to drop a hint for each other's groom-to-be on being witty about their proposal. They know your perfect wedding and so do you for their part!

You know each other like the back of your hand.
You know each other so well that you occasionally finish each other's sentences. In fact, they can tell if there's even a slight difference in you, from your looks to your behavior.

Although you haven’t met each other in a long time, it feels as though nothing has changed.
Sometimes you're to busy to meet up with one another, or especially when you are having tonnes of work to do. However, when you do meet up, you're still the same old fellas, having a good time around one another.

Do treasure these friends dearly as they are far more precious than all the riches put together in the world. I would like to end this post on the following note:

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.                                                        ~ Oprah Winfrey


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