Wednesday 11 June 2014

29 Hilarious True Facts About Life

I found a good article at this site that will just probably make your day. Hope this brings a smile to your face. I know it did to mine ツ 
Using a series of simple diagrams and charts, they amusingly point out the things we all struggle with in every day life.
These genius charts are the work of Danish writer Mikael Wulff and cartoon artist Anders Morgenthaler. This creative partnership call themselves Wumo.
It would be interesting to know which of these relate to you. I have to say all of them ring true with me.
The McDonalds Curve – I’m loving it
We have all been there and we all know how bad it is but somehow those golden arches keep us coming back. You eat it, decide that is is for a while and it is time for a diet. Then we eat it again. It is a constant cycle.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Life is a Beautiful Thing

The significance of the cherry blossom tree in Japanese culture goes back hundreds of years. In their country, the cherry blossom represents the fragility and the beauty of life. It's a reminder that life is almost overwhelmingly beautiful but that it is also tragically short. ~ Homaru Cantu

Just decided to make a post with my favorite flower of all time. It's funny how I've liked them so much even before I've seen them with my very own eyes. It's really beautiful but at the same time, fragile. It falls easily even in the slightest wind and their petals drop easily and yet when it is at it's full bloom, it's one of the most beautiful thing in the world. Well, at least to me that is.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Birthday Explosion Card Box (Tutorial)

Once again, I'm in my happy place. Immersing myself in doing arts and craft is one of my happiest moments. I found myself working on a project after such a long break from it. It was my grandma's birthday and I decided to do something special for her. I recently discovered explosion card boxes and couldn't wait to try it out. It's called an explosion card box because it looks like a pretty normal gift box with the lid on. Once you take the lid off the box, the card sort of opens out (like a little explosion taking place).

This time I decided to do a step-by-step tutorial on creating this piece. Here's a sneak peek on my final product!

Sunday 11 May 2014

Pronouncing it the Right Way ~ Sequel to Simple Korean Survival Phrases

It's not difficult to pick up Korean writing (Hangul) as there are only these many number of characters that makes up the entire system. What makes learning Korean a little challenging, I would say, is the pronunciation. The way you pronounce the alphabets are slightly different from how you would pronounce them in English. 

Sunday 4 May 2014

Signs That Says You Have Friends You’ll keep For the Rest of Your Life

Life wouldn't be meaningful without having people to share it with you. Many come in and out of our lives as we continue to move forward and grow. Few of those leaving footprints in our hearts and there are new ones who just seem to fill our lives by making it more whole. These very people are whom we call friends. If you are blessed, you'll have at least a good one who will stick around you for a really long time. Here are some of the signs you can tell if  they are the ones who'll stay in your life and they are real keepers!

Featuring my doggy as the model! 

Sunday 27 April 2014

Figuring Out Your Future

At a certain point in life, I'm sure most of us would be thinking, what is my goal in life? What would I like to achieve before I reach a certain age and stuff like these. It's like all of a sudden when you stop to seriously think about it, you realize that all of these years just whooshed past you and you have no clue about what you want in life.

Monday 21 April 2014

30 Things To Start Doing For Yourself.

I've taken this article from this website. Thought I ought to share it here as this article is really meaningful! I think that we are too easily caught up in our own busy life that we forget to take some time off to ponder about what's really important in life. If you have the time, do read this article till the end. I would say that it's definitely worth your time and maybe the happiness you have been finding has already been there all along.

Some of the points have personally touched me and I hope it does the same to you as well. 

Simple Korean Survival Phrases!

Korean language is becoming a popular language to learn these days, thanks to the rising KPOP music industry as well as the Korean dramas, movies and variety shows which have overtaken the JPOP era.

I have compiled some of the common phrases that you might hear or need to use when you encounter with the locals. It's a short lesson that will suffice for getting around in Korea.

One of the important thing to note about the language is that it comes in formal and informal manner. Formal manner (jondaemal 존대말) is often used when speaking to people who are older than you or to strangers. It's a commonly used form to show respect during the conversation. The informal manner (banmal 반말) is only used with those who are close to you. It signifies closeness if used with people of same age or younger than you but it's disrespectful to use it when speaking with those who are older than you. Therefore, it will be more appropriate to learn the Formal Manner of Korean language for a start. 

Are you ready? Here we go! ヽ( ★ω★)ノ

Sunday 20 April 2014

Seoul, A Food Paradise

I have decided that I should dedicate a post to all the yummy food that we came across in Seoul. For food lovers, I'm sure you will find this post quite useful if you wish to travel to Seoul and sample their traditional delights. Mind you, these are just some of the dishes we managed to try. There were so much more!!
Caution! The following photos may cause you to start craving for food!!! Be prepared to take the risk if you wish to continue :P

Friday 18 April 2014

A Visit to the Hallyu City (Part III)

Yup! More on Seoul! For those of you who may have missed out the previous posts, look out for A Visit to the Hallyu City (Part I)A Visit to the Hallyu City (Part II). This will be the final post on my Seoul trip. To cap it all, I truly had a delightful time in Seoul!! Will I be going back to Korea?? Oh yeah! I definitely will! I'm already missing the place, food and people there! It's a pretty awesome country. I'll definitely love to go to Busan and Jeju too someday! Probably in the near future.  

This post features on :-
 Namdaemun Market Yeouido Park  ♥  Jjimjilbang (Sauna) 
 Bukchon Hanok Village  ♥ Myeongdong  ♥ 

Tuesday 15 April 2014

A Visit to the Hallyu City (Part II)

I'm back with more travel goodness on Seoul! For those of you who may have missed out the previous post, check out A Visit to the Hallyu City (Part I). One of the reasons, I'm splitting up my trip into several posts is that it may be too much to put all of it in a single post. (Definitely too tiring to keep strolling too  )

This post features on :-
 Namsan Tower ♥ Itaewon  ♥  Hongdae  Han River  

Monday 14 April 2014

A Visit to the Hallyu City (Part I)

I'm finally here in Seoul! I've been dreaming of this day to come for quite some time. I've even been picking up Korean language, although I'm still a beginner up to this point. Well, I have to say that I have been caught up by the Hallyu wave. Being a fan of some KPOP idols and watching Korean dramas, ain't that just typical? :P

And so my journey begins!

  This post features on :-
 Insadong ♥ Gwangjang Market  ♥ 
♥ Cheonggyecheon Stream  Noryangjin Fish Market  

Friday 14 March 2014

Sydney, City of Lights

One of my recent travels was to Sydney, Australia. Indeed the name City of Lights befits the City of Sydney as it transforms into a spectacular canvas of lights as the night falls. This city has a captivating feel to it. There are many wonderful tourist spots and the weather is simply lovely. Of course, I visited the top recommended tourist spots in Sydney. You cannot miss the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House while you are there!

Sydney Harbour Bridge

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