Sunday 27 April 2014

Figuring Out Your Future

At a certain point in life, I'm sure most of us would be thinking, what is my goal in life? What would I like to achieve before I reach a certain age and stuff like these. It's like all of a sudden when you stop to seriously think about it, you realize that all of these years just whooshed past you and you have no clue about what you want in life.

It gets pretty stressful especially when most of your peers have already planned out and outlined their future while you are still in the midst of figuring out your own. The real life awaits after your years at educational institutions. Picking up and completing college diplomas/degrees is one thing but when you enter the workplace, it becomes a battlefield. Decisions you make will affect your life greatly, like it or not. These are no longer the times, where you make a mistake, and you can just erase it just like that. There will be no teachers to watch you every step of the way.

This is when I think it will be great time to take a step back, relax and personally get to know yourself better. Give yourself some time and don't beat yourself over it. You'll eventually rediscover yourself and your path. Learn more about your character, strengths, weaknesses, what makes you happy and what you envision yourself to be doing in the future.

Get a paper and a pen to jot down your thoughts. Start by listing down what you are good at. Then, think about what kind of life you would like to have in the future. Climb the ladder of success by the age of 35 or settle down with a family and doing a job where you can spend time with your loved ones. Stuff like that. Then, narrow it down to what you can picture yourself to be doing for at least the next ten years. If you have found it, great! Organize yourself and work towards that goal in mind.

There are many personality courses that you can attend to get to know yourself better but most of them are rather costly. I found the questionnaire below to be rather accurate. Do have a go at it if you have the time.  The results are quite detailed and elaborate.

Talentoday Questionnaire

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