Tuesday 8 November 2011

A Rainbow after a Stormy Weather

Work, studies, relationship, exams....et cetera.....
Sometime we may feel like we are living in darkness and there is no light to lift our spirits up. Life may seem to be daunting and filled with despair and  failures. However, no matter how dark our life may be at these times, there will always be a light right up ahead of us. Just like how after a rain storm, there will always be a rainbow at the end of it. We sometimes never see the light because we are too caught up with the darkness.

Just a short poem to lift our spirits up :

God never promise us a good life on earth;
but He gave assurance that there will always
be a rainbow after the rain.

Life on earth is not always what we expected
and wanted it to be. But if we can put our
 trust in God, He can sail us through definitely.

God never let us bear what is impossible;
and He makes sure what we bear is the 
limit that we can take without difficulty

as taken from Maple

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