Sunday 25 May 2014

Birthday Explosion Card Box (Tutorial)

Once again, I'm in my happy place. Immersing myself in doing arts and craft is one of my happiest moments. I found myself working on a project after such a long break from it. It was my grandma's birthday and I decided to do something special for her. I recently discovered explosion card boxes and couldn't wait to try it out. It's called an explosion card box because it looks like a pretty normal gift box with the lid on. Once you take the lid off the box, the card sort of opens out (like a little explosion taking place).

This time I decided to do a step-by-step tutorial on creating this piece. Here's a sneak peek on my final product!

Sunday 11 May 2014

Pronouncing it the Right Way ~ Sequel to Simple Korean Survival Phrases

It's not difficult to pick up Korean writing (Hangul) as there are only these many number of characters that makes up the entire system. What makes learning Korean a little challenging, I would say, is the pronunciation. The way you pronounce the alphabets are slightly different from how you would pronounce them in English. 

Sunday 4 May 2014

Signs That Says You Have Friends You’ll keep For the Rest of Your Life

Life wouldn't be meaningful without having people to share it with you. Many come in and out of our lives as we continue to move forward and grow. Few of those leaving footprints in our hearts and there are new ones who just seem to fill our lives by making it more whole. These very people are whom we call friends. If you are blessed, you'll have at least a good one who will stick around you for a really long time. Here are some of the signs you can tell if  they are the ones who'll stay in your life and they are real keepers!

Featuring my doggy as the model! 

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